Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling

Virtually everyone dreams of being in a loving, passionate and lasting relationship. However, many obstacles exist—both personal and cultural—that get in the way of those dreams. Work with us to overcome those obstacles and to empower a new way of creating and maintaining a fulfilling relationship. You may arrange to see one of us or both of us together, depending on your needs and the type of session. Health insurance is applicable in some cases.

Couples Counseling


Couple Power Therapy is designed to dramatically change how you see your relationship. It was described by the husband of one couple at the end of their first session as “a breath of fresh air.” The initial one-hour session includes a thorough assessment of how your couple is functioning in each of the areas of the Four C’s of Commitment, Cooperation, Communication and Community. A clear and new possibility for your couple is created in the first meeting, followed by regularly scheduled sessions to develop techniques and maintain goals. Subsequent sessions are weekly or bi-weekly depending on the needs of each couple. Sessions take place in our offices in downtown Charlottesville.

Couples Counseling


Working intensively for a focused short period of time can create a powerful and lasting shift in a relationship.  Someplace where you and your partner have been stuck or an issue where you want to create a breakthrough can be impacted powerfully in a brief intensive format.

Spend two days and an evening together with Drs. Phyllis and Peter focusing on what is important in your life now.  By the end of that time, there will be a dramatic shift in your feelings, behavior, and perspective on your relationship. People who have done these Intensives say…….

During the Intensive, you and your partner will be guided through exercises that create immediate, powerful and lasting transformation in your way of interacting.  Be prepared to work hard, though there are breaks for fun and dining throughout the intensive in lovely downtown Charlottesville.  Intensives can also be held in your own hometown by special arrangement. Fees are set on a couple by couple basis. Come by your selves or participate with one or two other couples. Contact us to arrange to schedule and get on our mailing list.


The power of sharing in a community of couples creates lasting results in a short period of time. In a safe and supportive environment, it is possible to open up and discover that you are not alone in your couple’s challenges. You will share about your own experience and discover the power of community in being with other couples on a regular basis.

Drs. Phyllis and Peter co-lead a 75-minute group for a small group of couples in committed relationships. The group meets twice a month in the early evening at our offices in downtown Charlottesville. All material is confidential. Groups are on-going. Call for current schedule and to arrange an intake interview.

Couple Counsling


Sexual issues are often difficult to talk about. There are many reasons for this. They may include different expectations, differing cultural background, history of trauma, fear of inadequacy, withheld resentments, and many, many others. You may find it challenging to talk about these things with your partner, or anyone for that matter.

Phyllis and Peter have many years of experience in working with individuals and couples to resolve these issues and enjoy their intimacy. They can help you feel safe and comfortable to have a powerful conversation and invent a new possibility for your sex life.

Sometimes just talking about sex helps.

Other times learning some simple techniques and exercises are all it takes to open up and make things better. Other couples find that they benefit from deeper, more intensive sex therapy. All couples find dramatic results in their sexual relationship using the Couple Power model. In this work, you are encouraged to take on the sexual issues in your relationship from the perspective of your couple working together as a team.

Getting started…

When we meet, an initial evaluation is followed by a fun program of weekly homework exercises and coaching in sex education and communication. Some sexual issues may also be appropriate for an intensive weekend with Drs. Phyllis and Peter.

Whatever your concerns, please know that we offer a safe space to talk things over. Call 434-971-4701 to set up an appointment with either Dr. Phyllis or Dr. Peter or send us a confidential email using our contact form.

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