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Couple Power Workshops
Couple Power Workshops
Imagine being part of a supportive, trusting community of couples. You can do this by being in one of our workshops.
Join a group of couples to work together on creating and fulfilling the possibility of lifelong love in your life. You will have the opportunity not only to address your problems, but also to create “Couple Power” ongoingly in your life.
Workshops will teach you how to go beyond your own limits and create a profoundly fulfilling relationship. Using the Four C’s of Commitment, Cooperation, Communication and Community, you will learn how to achieve and maintain the relationship you really want and how to make it last.
Virtually everyone dreams of being in a loving, passionate and successful relationship throughout their life. However, many obstacles – both cultural and personal – exist that
thwart and even undermine your attempts to create and maintain a truly satisfying relationship over time. These workshops address the obstacles that couples face and
provide ways to overcome them.
Workshops are half-day, whole day or a weekend. They may be in our offices in Charlottesville, Virginia or in your home town. Call us for more information or for scheduling. Current workshops will be posted on our Home Page.

About Workshop
Workshops will include:
- the eight basic principles of creating a lifelong fulfilling relationship
- the Four C’s for achieving Couple Power
- a new language for creating visions for your relationship
- understanding that there is more to a relationship than good communication skills
- the basics of Couple Power techniques
- instruction in designing rituals and practices to empower lifelong love
- fun, informative and educational experiences to enhance your relationship on a daily basis!
About Workshop
Sexual issues are often difficult to talk about. There are many reasons for this. They may include different expectations, differing cultural background, history of trauma, fear of inadequacy, withheld resentments, and many, many others. You may find it challenging to talk about these things with your partner, or anyone for that matter.
Phyllis and Peter have many years of experience in working with individuals and couples to resolve these issues and enjoy their intimacy. They can help you feel safe and comfortable to have a powerful conversation and invent a new possibility for your sex life.
Sometimes just talking about sex helps.
Other times learning some simple techniques and exercises are all it takes to open up and make things better. Other couples find that they benefit from deeper, more intensive sex therapy. All couples find dramatic results in their sexual relationship using the Couple Power model. In this work, you are encouraged to take on the sexual issues in your relationship from the perspective of your couple working together as a team.
Getting started…
When we meet, an initial evaluation is followed by a fun program of weekly homework exercises and coaching in sex education and communication. Some sexual issues may also be appropriate for an intensive weekend with Drs. Phyllis and Peter.
Whatever your concerns, please know that we offer a safe space to talk things over. Call 434-971-4701 to set up an appointment with either Dr. Phyllis or Dr. Peter or send us a confidential email using our contact form.